Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Friday night, alcohol and men

The combination of these 3 is bound to get me into trouble.
I should probably give them up for lent and try to be faithful...

I find it so hard when I go out to see a cute guy hitting on me and not respond. Isn't it rude not to?

I know I'm just finding excuses and should just bloody behave!


too much to do
so little time

Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

Monday, 20 February 2012

Is it wrong

to think about an ex when in bed with the current?

The answer is probably yes, yet I can't stop myself from doing it...

So true...

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Télépopmusik - Breathe


And then I bump into an old flame, the sort that nothing ever really happened but something almost happened loads of times. And I wonder...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sunday, 12 February 2012

2 things

There are two things I'm not good at: being single and being faithful.

Not a good combination.


Thursday, 9 February 2012

You make me want to be a better man

I absolutely LOVE this film.
As good as it gets (1997)

and this is one of the reasons why...

Monday, 6 February 2012

You can't have it all

You can't have it all!
You can't have it all?
You can't have it all.
You can't have it all...

Love or work, why do I feel I can't have it all.

When my job was awful, I had a great relationship. I then moved to a new great job and lost the relationship. My job is now getting a bit crappy and I seem to be getting into a nice relationship...
(must point out I don't feel I'm yet in a relationship, but it is going well... I have been wrong before though...)


Saturday, 4 February 2012

Can I have it?

Versace 1000 layers dress (or mille fueilles) worn in "Sex and the City", "An American Girl in Paris: Part Deux" episode. The last is a photo by Annie Leibowitz for Vogue 2003. I prefer the colours of the SATC one.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Kids are the best!

From here.


On Sunday I replied to a job offer I had on my inbox. I now have to decide if I want to go further with my application. Decisions, decisions... Loads of opportunities or "quite a high up" job. Stay or move... When I first replied I thought it was to a medium sized company but it looks like a fairly small company. And I'm not keen on the latter.

15 billion versus 25 million turnover
55 thousand versus 215 employees