Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Work (III - i really am inspired!!)

As per this post, the last 2 posts still relate to "old" job. "Future" job not started yet... unfortunately.

Work (II - I guess I'm on a roll here)

Can I retire now? And not put up with this $%)£ any more?

Would really, REALLY appreciate it.
Best Regards
Your kind employee (who will be looking for a new job if things don't change in the next month).


i.e. my boss is an idiot.

It's good to get some things out in the open (in hiding).

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


One of the reasons I've been busy is that the weather here has been AMAZING, so I end up being out and about all the time. Best enjoy the sunshine, it doesn't usually last...

Monday, 6 May 2013


Been offered a different position in same place. I didn't even have to ask or say it wasn't working.

Sooo happy!!


It's been ages since I've been here!

So much to do, so little time...