Thursday, 13 June 2013


So, after not hearing from Mr Tall for ages... he requests contact on LinkedIn.
I'm so weak...
Accepted and kinda hate myself for it...

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Letting it out

When I was a child I was once asked how many children I wanted. I was about 13 and at the time I said "none, cause I want to be a doctor and fully focus on my patients".
Time has gone by, I'm no longer 13 and I'm not a doctor. I now want children and a few yeas ago I even thought I wouldn't like to have them too late. My mum had me when she was 40 and I really feel that for a long time we didn't really connect very well because of that. The world had changed a lot and we couldn't relate to each other. Unfortunately, I don't have a husband or even a boyfriend so I'm now starting to get really scared I won't have children, and that saddens me... I do sometimes look back and wonder what would have happened if I had made a different decision. I don't regret them, but I analyse them. Not sure it's any better...

This is not where I thought my life would be...