Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Yesterday I met up with a couple of my friends. And by that I mean, my best friends. That type of friend you tell everything and they know all about you. They know me too well... I miss the time we were together ALL THE TIME. For a while there was a fourth one and we used to say we were "The Sex and the City" girls. With time we have slightly separated but the 3 of us are still quite together but probably in 2s if that makes sense. Going back to the SATC analogy, we used to say each corresponded to a character. There was one that wanted to get married and have kids so she was Charlotte, one was taller than her boyfriend and bossed him around so she was Miranda, at the time the other had a boyfriend and I was single so she was Carrie and I was Sam. Today it is probably fairer to say we have a bit of each in us, or at least I hope!

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