Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Ignorance is a blessing?
Being an atheist, going to Rome to live and then complaining about it all being very religious (St Peters Basilica, Saints' street names).
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Friday, 6 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Every night, instead of going to bed early, I stay up late, playing about on my laptop. I tire myself on purpose because I want to avoid reaching the next day. If I'm awake, then tomorrow won't get here right?
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Today at lunchtime the "baby talk" started. One of my
friends has had her first a few months ago and was saying how she is
looking forward to number 2. And then another started saying, quite
lightly, "oh well, not sure what I'll do, my boyfriend is not quite into
it yet and they say after 35 it's not really advised so only a few more
years before that day comes...". At that point I almost wanted to cry.
How jealous I was... No baby, no boyfriend, wasted my best years on
someone who just used me as he had someone else.
I didn't cry then but I can't stop myself now. No one is watching...
I didn't cry then but I can't stop myself now. No one is watching...
These days...
... are filled with work. And I'm not sure I'm even enjoying it. How can I not know if I am enjoying my job or not? Should I not be able to feel it?
Anyway, Christmas is almost here, so a good 3 weeks off will be nice. That's the sort of time that really allows me to switch off and recharge.
Anyway, Christmas is almost here, so a good 3 weeks off will be nice. That's the sort of time that really allows me to switch off and recharge.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Coming to this blog, almost 3 months later since the last post, read the last post and realising that it was exactly what I was going to write...
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
A single man
For the first time in my life I can't see my future. Everyday goes by in a haze, but today I have decided will be different.
Dangerous Liaisons
Do you still think men love the way we do? No... men enjoy the happiness
they feel. We can only enjoy the happiness we give. They are not
capable of devoting themselves exclusively to one person. So to hope to
be made happy by love is a certain cause of grief.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
And then one day you wake up and
you feel the loneliness
you feel the emptiness
you wonder if it was worth it
Days later you wake up and
you wonder WHAT is worth it
and you can't find an answer...
you feel the loneliness
you feel the emptiness
you wonder if it was worth it
Days later you wake up and
you wonder WHAT is worth it
and you can't find an answer...
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
So, after not hearing from Mr Tall for ages... he requests contact on LinkedIn.
I'm so weak...
Accepted and kinda hate myself for it...
I'm so weak...
Accepted and kinda hate myself for it...
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Letting it out
When I was a child I was once asked how many children I wanted. I was about 13 and at the time I said "none, cause I want to be a doctor and fully focus on my patients".
Time has gone by, I'm no longer 13 and I'm not a doctor. I now want children and a few yeas ago I even thought I wouldn't like to have them too late. My mum had me when she was 40 and I really feel that for a long time we didn't really connect very well because of that. The world had changed a lot and we couldn't relate to each other. Unfortunately, I don't have a husband or even a boyfriend so I'm now starting to get really scared I won't have children, and that saddens me... I do sometimes look back and wonder what would have happened if I had made a different decision. I don't regret them, but I analyse them. Not sure it's any better...
This is not where I thought my life would be...
Time has gone by, I'm no longer 13 and I'm not a doctor. I now want children and a few yeas ago I even thought I wouldn't like to have them too late. My mum had me when she was 40 and I really feel that for a long time we didn't really connect very well because of that. The world had changed a lot and we couldn't relate to each other. Unfortunately, I don't have a husband or even a boyfriend so I'm now starting to get really scared I won't have children, and that saddens me... I do sometimes look back and wonder what would have happened if I had made a different decision. I don't regret them, but I analyse them. Not sure it's any better...
This is not where I thought my life would be...
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Work (III - i really am inspired!!)
As per this post, the last 2 posts still relate to "old" job. "Future" job not started yet... unfortunately.
Work (II - I guess I'm on a roll here)
Can I retire now? And not put up with this $%)£ any more?
Would really, REALLY appreciate it.
Best Regards
Your kind employee (who will be looking for a new job if things don't change in the next month).
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
One of the reasons I've been busy is that the weather here has been AMAZING, so I end up being out and about all the time. Best enjoy the sunshine, it doesn't usually last...
Monday, 6 May 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Friday, 19 April 2013
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Want to stay in Love? Then why are you reading the Daily Mail?
Ten of the happiest years of my life were spent not living with the man I loved. A couple of times a week, I would cycle to his Soho bedsit, carrying my trusty sponge bag.
So keen was I to preserve my independence that I didn’t even leave a toothbrush there.
We would spend the evening together and in the morning eat breakfast at a nearby cafe, chatting to his friends.
Then I would bike back to my home in Camden, North London, and start my day’s work, writing. This carried on for a decade, unchanged and blissful, until he died 19 years ago. We loved each other to bits, but I don’t think it even crossed our minds to move in together. We certainly never talked about it.
At the start, I was newly divorced with small children, and he — the cartoonist Mel Calman — was the veteran of two marriages. We bore the scars of prolonged co-habitation and had no desire to jump into domesticity again.
It soon became clear our unconventional arrangement worked for us and we had no desire to change it.
Mel had his own life — 18 years older than me, he never wanted to leave his beloved bachelor pad and move somewhere big enough for two, let alone a house with room for a family.
And it wasn’t all one-way. I had my life, which centred on my two children and writing novels.
I loved being a parent with them and a vamp with him; apart from the fact it was fun, keeping the two parts of my life separate avoided all sorts of tensions and problems.
I don’t think our relationship would have survived if we had moved in together: he would have got annoyed at my children’s mess and the way I brought them up. I think he thought me a slapdash and indulgent parent, though he was far too wise to tell me so.
Nor might we have survived my children’s hostility towards him as the cause of my divorce from their father, though this tension eased as the years passed. Besides, he’d already had a set of stepchildren and I didn’t want to inflict all that on him a second time.
While some of our friends thought our set-up was strange, it turns out we were trendsetters.
According to a recent survey, 23 per cent of couples — that’s 2.2 million people — in a serious relationship live apart, whether by choice or circumstance, and this number is growing rapidly.
Indeed, the number of men and women ‘living apart together’ has increased by 40 per cent in the past decade. Famously, they include the actress Helena Bonham Carter and her director husband Tim Burton, who live in adjacent London homes.
Research suggests young couples live apart because they don’t want to sacrifice their independence, while those who are older have accumulated too many possessions to fit in one property.
But I think there are myriad reasons why living apart appeals to so many. There are women who have worked hard and don’t want to risk losing their savings when an ill-judged cohabitation goes wrong, and men who value their independence — and vice versa.
I know several couples who live apart and prefer it that way. This especially applies to those who have got together later in life, when each person is more likely to be set in their ways and less willing to adapt.
They’re surrounded by their own stuff with no room for anyone else’s. Some have emerged from a long marriage and are scared to commit or just reluctant to return to domesticity. Others have grandchildren nearby and don’t want to uproot themselves.
They’ve done the marriage thing; falling in love again recaptures something of their carefree youth, so why not keep it carefree?
Having two homes is also an escape valve. One couple I know, who have been together for seven years, work from home and divide their time between her flat in London and his cottage in Hastings, East Sussex. Sometimes they go together, sometimes separately.
‘What’s vital is that we each have our own space and know it’s there if we need it,’ they say. I’m not scared of commitment or sharing my finances, but I’m terrified of domesticity. After Mel died, I did live with someone. My children had grown up, I was a free agent and my boyfriend needed somewhere to live.
So I bought a house and we renovated it together — a passion killer if ever there was one. What began as a fine romance ended with us trailing round Homebase looking at bathroom fittings. Our love affair died of a slow puncture, in a cloud of plaster dust.
I missed the thrill of impermanence that separate homes had brought to my relationship with Mel. When we were together, at a stroke I could have vanished from his life, leaving no trace. Unlike my next boyfriend, there were no rows about chores.
In a two-home arrangement, you are a guest in the other person’s house and guests are more polite. Better still, you don’t have all those conversations about the guttering and bills and who’s phoning the plumber.
Nor do you build up resentments about doing more than your fair share of the washing up. Domesticity is a relationship killer.
People nowadays seem to move in together very quickly, but I think you should have a long, hard look before you jump into buying a bed together, because sharing a home changes a relationship. For a start, you no longer get to enjoy romantic arrivals and departures.
When you don’t live together you always kiss when you’re reunited and you have lots of stored up news. You don’t take each other for granted. You dress up for each other rather than slobbing around in a tracksuit.
After all, that tracksuit is waiting for you at home, when you can flop about, read trashy magazines, revert to your other self.
You can see the friends your other half dislikes and do the things he doesn’t like doing. You can go to a gallery while he goes to the football; catch up with TV programmes you want to watch; and do stomach exercises without inflicting the sight on your lover.
Independence is fun, especially when there’s a beloved waiting in the wings, and freedom makes you a more interesting person. Having separate lives brings fresh air into a relationship.
A chap’s annoying habits are far less annoying when you know he’ll be gone tomorrow.
I like missing someone and being missed; I like looking forward to seeing him again. I like getting emails and texts with lots of xxx’s.
And, most importantly, I do believe we can’t expect another person to be everything to us. Even in the greatest love affair there are parts of you the other person doesn’t nourish.
Living together places a huge burden on the other person to be lover, friend, entertainments manager, chef, domestic help, which is almost impossible and can lead to disappointment. If you don’t live together, you spend more time with other people and ease the pressure off your lover.
So, I’m sure that the number of couples living apart will only increase in the future. After all, we’re living longer and likely to have several relationships rather than one long one.
It doesn’t suit everyone, of course. Living apart is hardly possible if people have children together. It can also be more expensive to maintain two homes. But then it’s expensive to break up when you live in one property.
Today, I’m involved with someone who lives in Wales. We’ve been together three years and see each other every weekend, splitting our time between his home and mine in London.
And again it works. He’s never had a family, so why should he be interested in my two grandchildren? They’re my other love affair, deep and intense, and nothing to do with him.
I can roll around on the floor playing with them without looking at my watch. And I like being myself sometimes, rather than half of a couple.
All this might alter, however, as the years pass. I’m 64 and don’t want to become really old alone. At some point, no doubt, I’ll long to hunker down with someone, gnarled hand in gnarled hand. Sometimes that vision fills me with claustrophobia; just recently, however, it’s been starting to sound rather nice.
Who knows what will happen ten years from now? With matters of the heart, you never can tell. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it is that love, like life, never turns out quite as we planned.
From the Daily Mail.
So keen was I to preserve my independence that I didn’t even leave a toothbrush there.
We would spend the evening together and in the morning eat breakfast at a nearby cafe, chatting to his friends.
Then I would bike back to my home in Camden, North London, and start my day’s work, writing. This carried on for a decade, unchanged and blissful, until he died 19 years ago. We loved each other to bits, but I don’t think it even crossed our minds to move in together. We certainly never talked about it.
At the start, I was newly divorced with small children, and he — the cartoonist Mel Calman — was the veteran of two marriages. We bore the scars of prolonged co-habitation and had no desire to jump into domesticity again.
It soon became clear our unconventional arrangement worked for us and we had no desire to change it.
Mel had his own life — 18 years older than me, he never wanted to leave his beloved bachelor pad and move somewhere big enough for two, let alone a house with room for a family.
And it wasn’t all one-way. I had my life, which centred on my two children and writing novels.
I loved being a parent with them and a vamp with him; apart from the fact it was fun, keeping the two parts of my life separate avoided all sorts of tensions and problems.
I don’t think our relationship would have survived if we had moved in together: he would have got annoyed at my children’s mess and the way I brought them up. I think he thought me a slapdash and indulgent parent, though he was far too wise to tell me so.
Nor might we have survived my children’s hostility towards him as the cause of my divorce from their father, though this tension eased as the years passed. Besides, he’d already had a set of stepchildren and I didn’t want to inflict all that on him a second time.
While some of our friends thought our set-up was strange, it turns out we were trendsetters.
According to a recent survey, 23 per cent of couples — that’s 2.2 million people — in a serious relationship live apart, whether by choice or circumstance, and this number is growing rapidly.
Indeed, the number of men and women ‘living apart together’ has increased by 40 per cent in the past decade. Famously, they include the actress Helena Bonham Carter and her director husband Tim Burton, who live in adjacent London homes.
Research suggests young couples live apart because they don’t want to sacrifice their independence, while those who are older have accumulated too many possessions to fit in one property.
But I think there are myriad reasons why living apart appeals to so many. There are women who have worked hard and don’t want to risk losing their savings when an ill-judged cohabitation goes wrong, and men who value their independence — and vice versa.
I know several couples who live apart and prefer it that way. This especially applies to those who have got together later in life, when each person is more likely to be set in their ways and less willing to adapt.
They’re surrounded by their own stuff with no room for anyone else’s. Some have emerged from a long marriage and are scared to commit or just reluctant to return to domesticity. Others have grandchildren nearby and don’t want to uproot themselves.
They’ve done the marriage thing; falling in love again recaptures something of their carefree youth, so why not keep it carefree?
Having two homes is also an escape valve. One couple I know, who have been together for seven years, work from home and divide their time between her flat in London and his cottage in Hastings, East Sussex. Sometimes they go together, sometimes separately.
‘What’s vital is that we each have our own space and know it’s there if we need it,’ they say. I’m not scared of commitment or sharing my finances, but I’m terrified of domesticity. After Mel died, I did live with someone. My children had grown up, I was a free agent and my boyfriend needed somewhere to live.
So I bought a house and we renovated it together — a passion killer if ever there was one. What began as a fine romance ended with us trailing round Homebase looking at bathroom fittings. Our love affair died of a slow puncture, in a cloud of plaster dust.
I missed the thrill of impermanence that separate homes had brought to my relationship with Mel. When we were together, at a stroke I could have vanished from his life, leaving no trace. Unlike my next boyfriend, there were no rows about chores.
In a two-home arrangement, you are a guest in the other person’s house and guests are more polite. Better still, you don’t have all those conversations about the guttering and bills and who’s phoning the plumber.
Nor do you build up resentments about doing more than your fair share of the washing up. Domesticity is a relationship killer.
People nowadays seem to move in together very quickly, but I think you should have a long, hard look before you jump into buying a bed together, because sharing a home changes a relationship. For a start, you no longer get to enjoy romantic arrivals and departures.
When you don’t live together you always kiss when you’re reunited and you have lots of stored up news. You don’t take each other for granted. You dress up for each other rather than slobbing around in a tracksuit.
After all, that tracksuit is waiting for you at home, when you can flop about, read trashy magazines, revert to your other self.
You can see the friends your other half dislikes and do the things he doesn’t like doing. You can go to a gallery while he goes to the football; catch up with TV programmes you want to watch; and do stomach exercises without inflicting the sight on your lover.
Independence is fun, especially when there’s a beloved waiting in the wings, and freedom makes you a more interesting person. Having separate lives brings fresh air into a relationship.
A chap’s annoying habits are far less annoying when you know he’ll be gone tomorrow.
I like missing someone and being missed; I like looking forward to seeing him again. I like getting emails and texts with lots of xxx’s.
And, most importantly, I do believe we can’t expect another person to be everything to us. Even in the greatest love affair there are parts of you the other person doesn’t nourish.
Living together places a huge burden on the other person to be lover, friend, entertainments manager, chef, domestic help, which is almost impossible and can lead to disappointment. If you don’t live together, you spend more time with other people and ease the pressure off your lover.
So, I’m sure that the number of couples living apart will only increase in the future. After all, we’re living longer and likely to have several relationships rather than one long one.
It doesn’t suit everyone, of course. Living apart is hardly possible if people have children together. It can also be more expensive to maintain two homes. But then it’s expensive to break up when you live in one property.
Today, I’m involved with someone who lives in Wales. We’ve been together three years and see each other every weekend, splitting our time between his home and mine in London.
And again it works. He’s never had a family, so why should he be interested in my two grandchildren? They’re my other love affair, deep and intense, and nothing to do with him.
I can roll around on the floor playing with them without looking at my watch. And I like being myself sometimes, rather than half of a couple.
All this might alter, however, as the years pass. I’m 64 and don’t want to become really old alone. At some point, no doubt, I’ll long to hunker down with someone, gnarled hand in gnarled hand. Sometimes that vision fills me with claustrophobia; just recently, however, it’s been starting to sound rather nice.
Who knows what will happen ten years from now? With matters of the heart, you never can tell. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it is that love, like life, never turns out quite as we planned.
From the Daily Mail.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
I had a dream...
I'm going for a haircut and find myself in a large reception area which led to two different hairdressers. First went to one, looked nice, price wasn't bad. Returned to the middle area,I'm sitting down and then I'm petting a white fluffy cat which then bites me in the knee. It was so painful, I then try to push it away but afraid it may attack me again. I wake up...
Hair: Hair is a very important symbol because there are many states that your hair can be in and depending on the state is the way your waking life is at the moment. It represents your approach to whatever situations you are faced with which could pertain to sexuality or your wellbeing. If you are reaching towards someone elses hair it indicates your protective instincts or care for that person. It could also mean that you want to learn from someone in whatever particular aspect of your life. Dreaming someone is trying to touch or smell your hair denotes your desire for sexual adventure. If you are trying to smell someones hair then the smell reminds you of someone. If your hair is messy and full of knots then it means your life is in chaos at the moment due to your lack of organization of thoughts. Alternatively, when you dream that you have long hair, styling or playing with your hair implies that you are learning how to manage your thoughts. It could also mean that you are worried about your appearance. Dreaming of your hair dropping indicates your worries about getting older, becoming unattractive and losing your asexual appeal. Some say hair is like a blanket to girls; it protects and makes them feel safe. Thus when it is dropping we feel weak and susceptible. On the other hand, if your hair is white it represents enlightenment; it could also have the same meaning of losing hair. If you dream that you make an extreme change to your hairstyle, this is what it represents in your waking life. If the wind is passing through your hair then you are letting go releasing your emotions.
Haircut: Cutting your hair in a dream is similar to making hairstyle changes. The dream is suggesting that you are changing your ways of thinking. If someone is cutting your hair it implies that you feeling weakened or brought down by someone. It also mean chopping off the past, getting rid of those dead ends to start a new.
Cat: When we dream of cats in our dreams it represents our independent and mysterious nature. What ever problem going on right now in your walking life you are the only one who can figure it out. Women usually dream of cats when they or somebody else is way too catty. Sometimes cats in our dreams represents bad luck or somebody wishes you ill will. Did you notice the colour of the cat? If the cat was black it means that you are not using your full psychic potential. Did the black cat cross your path? In our walking life we sometime refer to a “black cat” as evil and and bad luck. When we see a white cat in our dreams symbolizes tough time ahead. If a cat is attacking you means that you are being selfish. You might have the same qualities as the cat?
Bites - Any type of biting in your dreams you receive in your dream is not the best symbol. Dreams of this nature points to the animistic side of human beings. Usually being bitten warns us to be careful of our surroundings. If you are the one getting bitten suggests that somebody in your walking life poses great danger to you. It’s possible that you feel vulnerable emotionally and physically in your walking life. If you are the one doing the biting this means that you are putting up a defence mechanism so nobody can get in. When we get bit by an insect or an animal donates that you are having trouble dealing with an difficult issue. If a vampire is biting you means that you have get rid of the people that drain you in life. That person is taking away your energy and is bad for your health. Great! Any more good news?
As seem here.
Hair: Hair is a very important symbol because there are many states that your hair can be in and depending on the state is the way your waking life is at the moment. It represents your approach to whatever situations you are faced with which could pertain to sexuality or your wellbeing. If you are reaching towards someone elses hair it indicates your protective instincts or care for that person. It could also mean that you want to learn from someone in whatever particular aspect of your life. Dreaming someone is trying to touch or smell your hair denotes your desire for sexual adventure. If you are trying to smell someones hair then the smell reminds you of someone. If your hair is messy and full of knots then it means your life is in chaos at the moment due to your lack of organization of thoughts. Alternatively, when you dream that you have long hair, styling or playing with your hair implies that you are learning how to manage your thoughts. It could also mean that you are worried about your appearance. Dreaming of your hair dropping indicates your worries about getting older, becoming unattractive and losing your asexual appeal. Some say hair is like a blanket to girls; it protects and makes them feel safe. Thus when it is dropping we feel weak and susceptible. On the other hand, if your hair is white it represents enlightenment; it could also have the same meaning of losing hair. If you dream that you make an extreme change to your hairstyle, this is what it represents in your waking life. If the wind is passing through your hair then you are letting go releasing your emotions.
Haircut: Cutting your hair in a dream is similar to making hairstyle changes. The dream is suggesting that you are changing your ways of thinking. If someone is cutting your hair it implies that you feeling weakened or brought down by someone. It also mean chopping off the past, getting rid of those dead ends to start a new.
Cat: When we dream of cats in our dreams it represents our independent and mysterious nature. What ever problem going on right now in your walking life you are the only one who can figure it out. Women usually dream of cats when they or somebody else is way too catty. Sometimes cats in our dreams represents bad luck or somebody wishes you ill will. Did you notice the colour of the cat? If the cat was black it means that you are not using your full psychic potential. Did the black cat cross your path? In our walking life we sometime refer to a “black cat” as evil and and bad luck. When we see a white cat in our dreams symbolizes tough time ahead. If a cat is attacking you means that you are being selfish. You might have the same qualities as the cat?
Bites - Any type of biting in your dreams you receive in your dream is not the best symbol. Dreams of this nature points to the animistic side of human beings. Usually being bitten warns us to be careful of our surroundings. If you are the one getting bitten suggests that somebody in your walking life poses great danger to you. It’s possible that you feel vulnerable emotionally and physically in your walking life. If you are the one doing the biting this means that you are putting up a defence mechanism so nobody can get in. When we get bit by an insect or an animal donates that you are having trouble dealing with an difficult issue. If a vampire is biting you means that you have get rid of the people that drain you in life. That person is taking away your energy and is bad for your health. Great! Any more good news?
As seem here.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Monday, 1 April 2013
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Saturday, 30 March 2013
MaxFactor Flipstick Boreal Mauve
Really like my new lipstick, or should I say, flipstick? Didn't have any on this sort of tones, soft, pink... Sounds crazy but I've always tended to go for dark chocolaty colours. I do have red and pink but on glosses. Also have a darkish pink stain. Oh dear, the complicated world of make-up. I'm a girl and I get confused with the wide selection of things that seem to be the same!
The photos are taken from this blog. It was nice to see the lipstick in the middle of flowers. Just today I went to the supermarket and got some flowers to brighten up the home. I love having flowers at home!
Friday, 29 March 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Saturday, 23 March 2013
A couple of years ago I was at this house party and didn't know most people very well. A few hours and a few drinks later I was chatting with one of the guys (who had earlier announced his engagement - with his wife to be as she was there as well) and he started touching my knee... I found that a bit weird but that was all that happened. I mean, he was the one doing something but I didn't act on it. It was only a few seconds, besides we were all a bit drunk anyway...
Recently met up with some friends (nothing to do with the ones on the previous paragraph) and I felt a bit awkward as it seemed to me one of my friends' boyfriend was hitting on me... Here's to hoping it is just in my mind...
10 most Googled search terms of 2012
So here are the top 10 most googled words/terms in 2012
1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12
No wonder not many people pop by, I even had to google a couple of them!
1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12
No wonder not many people pop by, I even had to google a couple of them!
Friday, 22 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Rambling on... Guys
I have not been feeling like going out in a while. Guess it's age... That and the fact the last 2 chances of going were with a friend of my flatmate's who is super cute and super skinny. No way any guy will look at me if she's there so have just stayed at home.
Also, I've sort of been seeing a guy (just seeing quite literally) since November. Maybe that's they way forward... We talk, go for dinner, to the cinema... And that's it. Not too worried about it. Nice to have someone (and guys are soooooooo much easier to talk to and be with) to just hang out with. No pressure, no need to rearrange diaries if one suggests meeting. He was a sweetie when I was off sick, visited me and brought me food, medicines and took care of me. I'm liking this!!
My ex contacted me and said he wanted to meet up again. Last December! At first I hesitated given the situation above and I suggested after my holidays. We haven't met for this or that reason and now he hardly says anything. Loosing my patience here...
Also, I've sort of been seeing a guy (just seeing quite literally) since November. Maybe that's they way forward... We talk, go for dinner, to the cinema... And that's it. Not too worried about it. Nice to have someone (and guys are soooooooo much easier to talk to and be with) to just hang out with. No pressure, no need to rearrange diaries if one suggests meeting. He was a sweetie when I was off sick, visited me and brought me food, medicines and took care of me. I'm liking this!!
My ex contacted me and said he wanted to meet up again. Last December! At first I hesitated given the situation above and I suggested after my holidays. We haven't met for this or that reason and now he hardly says anything. Loosing my patience here...
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Monday, 18 March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Low days
1-didn't get the job
2-my current job sucks
3-no guy in my life
4-would really like to loose some weight so I can climb better
Hoping for better days
p.s.-weather has been awful as well. grrrrrrrrrr
2-my current job sucks
3-no guy in my life
4-would really like to loose some weight so I can climb better
Hoping for better days
p.s.-weather has been awful as well. grrrrrrrrrr
I didn't get the job.
Person who got it is way more experienced than me, so not really unsurprising. The surprise was knowing he had applied... Really annoyed.
Feedback was good but I'm just annoyed I got my hopes up.
Feedback was good but I'm just annoyed I got my hopes up.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Had a job interview so that "hopefully" I can get promoted and start to have something proper to do and manage. Will be p***** off if I don't get it. Tomorrow I'll know more...
Friday, 8 March 2013
10 reasons why...
On Emily Hartridge's 10 reasons why you shouldn't remain friends with your ex. I have actually been to a wedding of an ex.
But then most of the times I wasn't in love with my exes...
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Right, I still have not had any chocolate as per my previous post. Doing really well and not much craving actually! I have however, made up on my chocolate absorption by buying Original Source's Vanilla and Cocoa Bath Milk and continued using (every now and then) my Vaseline Intensive Cocoa Butter Gel Body Oil and Deep Conditioning Body Lotion. According to the website it looks like the Body Lotion is no longer in the range which is a big shame... Cocoa products are sooo moisturising! And I love the smell!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Beck - Nobody's fault but my own
"Who could ever be so cruel (as to) blame the devil for the things you do"
Thursday, 21 February 2013
She's back
![]() |
The Good Wife - Season 4 |
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Monday, 18 February 2013
What did I do for Valentine's day?
1-went to Tesco's
3-watched tv
It was a very nice, stress-free 14th of February.
3-watched tv
It was a very nice, stress-free 14th of February.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Since (way) before Christmas I decided to cut back on drinking. You know what, haven't missed it at all! Had a couple of (very cold light) drinks whilst on holidays and when I went out for dinner we my friends I stuck to soda+lime. Best resolution EVER! Even if it's just me going back to what I used to be, i.e. just drinking small amounts, on special occasions and appreciating the drink.
For a while (before Christmas) I tried the "no drinking on school nights" but then would end up drinking too much on the weekend, so what's the point? Much better and happier now!
Decided to give up chocolate for lent. That's definitely going to be a lot harder then the alcohol...
Decided to give up chocolate for lent. That's definitely going to be a lot harder then the alcohol...
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
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